Monday, March 31, 2008

Winter's last spit...hopefully....maybe....HA!

Last Thursday we were awakened with the ringing of the phone at 6:15 a.m. That usually means just one thing....Fremont school district is closed due to weather. But this was a whole week after the first day of spring!?!? I looked out to see what was going on but couldn't see much. We were having a ferocious ground blizzard! There was a sheet of ice on the hiway, 3-4 foot drifts across the roads and zero visibilty at times. I called it Winter's last spit. But alas, it was not the last one. We had snowing and blowing this morning too! Not as bad as last Thursday, because no schools were closed but's almost April! PLEEEEASE!
These pictures were taken about a month ago. Craig is standing by the drift that has been behind our house. The cats are sitting atop this same drift looking in the dining room window. It has mostly melted now (there's only 3 feet left) But the drift on the northside of the house is still about 6 feet deep and is not melting very fast. Aaahhhh! IDAHO

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